The Rabbi Leib Geliebter Memorial Foundation was founded as a pledge to the generation that was lost; we will not forget them, and we will not forget their dreams.

A non-profit educational project, it is named for a Talmudic scholar who led spiritual resistance activities in the forced labor camp of Czenstchow, Poland and in the Buchenwald concentration camp.  After surviving the Holocaust and losing his entire family, Rabbi Leib Geliebter zt’l  went on after the war to devote his life to reclaiming what was lost.

The Foundation has collected oral testimonies of survivors and develops innovative educational programs, documentaries, and resources for schools and communities.

Chamudei Shai: Eternal Wisdom – Faith & Resilience: Our Jewish story…Past, Present and Future.

Volume 1 – Bereishis

Newly revised and now in Hebrew, English, hardcover, paperback and coffee table art editions:

Chamudei Shai on the Torah and Holidays began as a column and was developed into a book in thanksgiving and commemoration of Dr. Geliebter’s 70th birthday. The book offers inspirational, original essays based on classical sources and commentaries of the Midrash, Talmud, Rishonim, and Achronim to gain further clarity, insights, and to explore important lessons for life. Volume I is on Bereishis, Yomim Nora’im, Sukkos-Simchas Torah, and Chanukah.

Coffee table art edition

In this very special, oversized presentation edition, each chapter opens with a beautiful piece of artwork, illustrating the ideas within the chapter.

Pikuach Nefesh

A Special Presentation for the Three Weeks

The dramatic and neglected stories of two of Klal Yisroel’s great heroes, Rav Michoel Ber Weissmandl of Nitra and Rav Shlomo Schonfeld of the Kindertransport.